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Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Super Mass Gainer Bulking & Cutting Stack
Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Super Mass Gainer


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Product Code: IL-325


Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Super Mass Gainer Bulking & Cutting Stack

Unlock unparalleled muscle-building potential with the Super Mass Gainer. The Super Mass Gainer is one of the newest prohormone bulking and cutting stacks from Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals. It comes packed with Decabolin and Halotestin, two of the industry's most effective bulking and shredding anabolics

Stack benefits Include:

  • Increases strength and size
  • Stimulates fat loss, especially abdominal fat tissue
  • Enhances HGH production
  • Increases muscle definition and muscle hardness.
  • Increases vascularity.
  • Enhances protein synthesis
  • Promotes nitrogen retention
  • Skyrockets testosterone levels.
  • Increases sex drive

What is Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Decabolin?

At the top of Hi-Tech's pro anabolic line, DecaBolin offers the strongest legal Nandrolone precursor on the market, providing similar benefits to traditional anabolic steroids without the same level of side effects. Decabolin is a 19-nor prohormone that converts into nandrolone, a powerful anabolic. Nandrolone is known for its ability to promote muscle growth, increase strength, enhance endurance, and stimulate fat loss.

What are the ingredients?

Advanced liposomal delivery technology ensures maximum bioavailability of the active compound - 19-NorAndrost-4-ene-3b-ol,17-one Decanoate. This is the main ingredient in Decabolin which is a powerful anabolic compound that promotes muscle growth and fat loss. It helps increase nitrogen retention and protein synthesis, leading to improved muscle mass and strength.

What is Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Halotestin?

A leader in prohormones and bodybuilding, scientists at Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals have found another testosterone breakthrough with Halotestin. This supplement harnesses the power of HydroxyProgestins, which is the latest class of prohormones proven to help boost muscle growth. This product offers a trifecta of prohormones to help you maximize your workouts.

An anabolic progestin, this supplement has 10 mg of 17beta (3ketoethyl)-androstane-3-one, which works similarly to 1-Testosterone regarding muscle growth. It works to stimulate seminal vesicles and the prostate to naturally boost testosterone levels.

The second ingredient, 50 mg of 4-androsten-3B-ol-17-one, promotes muscle mass. Also known as 4-Andro, it converts testosterone into a more powerful agent. This non-methylated prohormone is safe for the liver and is ideal for cutting or bulking regimens.

Finally, the 75 mg of 3B-Hydroxyetioallocholan-17-one is known as a cutting prohormone that enhances vascularity. A naturally-occurring product in humans, it has been known to help with weight loss and enhanced sports performance.

Stack Instructions:

Decabolin: Take 1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet in the afternoon.
Halotestin: Take 1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet in the afternoon.

What is the best cycle length?

To get the best results and maximize the full benefits of this product. It should be cycled for at least eight weeks.

Do I need a Post Cycle Therapy?

Yes, we suggest using Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Arimiplex for one month after you finish the Super Mass Gainer.

Do I need an Estrogen Blocker?

Yes because some of the ingredients in the stack can convert to estrogen in the body. We suggest using Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Arimistane.